1. When pulling on a wishbone, Sara close your eyes and make a wish. Concentrating “I wish for you to love me.” Then she lost.

  2. When eating breakfast, “my hair is trying to convince me not to eat my treat” while hair was getting in her mouth. Once I fixed it, “now the air in here is trying to convince me to eat my treat”.

  3. “Oakley hid behind the tapestry and then pooped on the mattress.”

  4. “I’m sorry Froggy, I can’t splash any higher. I have to keep all the water in the tubby”

  5. “The sun is coming with us and the sun, you and me get to keep each other company. Oakley and Giraffee are keeping momma company.

  6. “I’m going to give the wiggles to grandma Joan and she can give them back to me later.” Then she wanted up in the backpack

  7. “Why can’t we steal things from people when they need them?”

  8. “I just felt a stinky smell” after tooting in the tubby

  9. “Daddy - You make the bestest food ever!”

  10. “Daddy, the salt water went up my bum bum”

  11. Regular chanting - “Cheko, cheko” - “Sara, what does cheko mean?” said Tom - “Cheko means to poop on something.” said Sara

  12. “We don’t walk around with cats on our heads!” said Sara

  13. “I would be very sad if you showed my butt to everyone”

  14. “My wiggles are not coming out of my ears, they are coming out of my body”

  15. “That sign says you can’t bring a gun into the building… But not Glue Guns! Real guns hurt the flowers and plants…”

  16. “I stuck my thumb into my bum” - No idea…

  17. “You don’t eat food in the pool” - Sara “That’s right, not a good idea” - Me “Why?” - Sara… She got me.

  18. “If you like someone you tell them. If you don’t like someone, then you don’t say anything.” I don’t know where she heard this, but it’s amazing advice from a 4 year old.

  19. “I tooted and all this smell came out from the bubbles” - while in a bath.

  20. “Did you know I’m more beautifuler than you?” - when describing her new dress

  21. “We are looking for ocean butterflies. They eat electric eels” - on an ocean walk

  22. “Daddy’s bum smells like ice cream cones”

  23. “Did you know that ring cows have rings on their head and poop skunks?”

  24. If you’ve been bad, Santa will give you krill - but not just black krill, red or pink krill”

  25. “I like being alone so keep walking!” - Inmediately followed by crying because she was alone…

  26. “Did you know on Saturday I taught you how to be silly?”

  27. “I don’t like it when they don’t use my name” - disappointed because she was being cheered on by people on the chairlift and they didn’t call her Sara.

  28. “Daddy, we really should have brought the headlamp” - Sara, as we were approaching the tree covered part of the hike. “Why don’t you just take your sunglasses off” - Dad. “Oh - that’s so funny!” - Sara.

  29. “Sara - why are your hands so warm?”. “Squirrels”

  30. “What have you been eating? Tootified apples?”- Sara, talking about how smelly Oakley’s toot was.